Tunng Presents…Dead Club

In this session, Sam Genders and Becky Jacobs from the band Tunng join Kaptin Barrett, Head of Music at Boomtown Festival, to discuss the band’s extraordinary new work, Dead Club.

Death is a subject that has long fascinated Sam; a preoccupation not born out of the macabre so much as a curiosity about the fundamental purpose of existence and the hesitancy he noticed around others’ expressions of grief.

Sam read many books on the subject including Max Porter’s Grief is a Thing with Feathers. He was struck by the novel’s power, rage, beauty and love. He passed Porter’s book around his band members. Discussions and ideas ensued and soon, it became a project: Dead Club was born.

In addition to the contemplative, intimate, celebratory and extraordinary record, Tunng’s Dead Club project has created a podcast series, produced by Becky Jacobs and Sam. It speaks to those who work in the field of death including Derren Brown, Alain de Botton, Speech Debelle, Kathryn Mannix and AC Grayling.


Kaptin Barrett

Kaptin Barrett