The Grief Gift – Finding Meaning After Loss

Grief can be a powerful catalyst for change. In this conversation, our panellists discuss finding new purpose and meaning after losing someone dear. Many people turn their loss into something that will benefit others, with grief becoming a driving force in their efforts to make the world a better place.

Linda Magistris will lead this panel discussion. Linda founded The Good Grief Trust following the death of her husband, Graham, to a rare form of cancer in 2014.

Linda will be joined by Dr Rachel Clarke, a physician who works in palliative care with the NHS. Rachel is also a journalist, activist, firm believer in good end-of-life care and author of the book, Dear Life: A Doctor’s Story of Love and Loss (2020).

Illustrator Gary Andrews began a Doodle-a-Day diary following his wife’s sudden death of sepsis 2017. His poignant cartoons caused an online sensation, capturing his grief in a visual and often humorous way. Gary’s new book, Finding Joy, is out now.

Sophie Sabbage gave the inspirational Tedx Talk, How Grief Can Help Us Win When we Lose. Sophie is a psychological/ spiritual teacher who has equipped thousands of people to find grace in the grit of life and to be awakened by their unexpected, painful and traumatic moments.


Facilitator Gary Andrews (c) Noelle Vaughn Photography

Gary Andrews

Facilitator, Dr Rachel Clarke

Dr Rachel Clarke

Sophie Sabbage, Good Grief Speaker portrait

Sophie Sabbage

Linda Magistris, Good Grief Speaker

Linda Magistris